Wednesday, April 9, 2008

REBA is home w/ us after her final surgery!!!!

Thanks everyone for sending healing wishes Reba's way. My whole vet's office is amazed how well Reba is doing. She basically was basically cut all the way down the middle on Tues. After a nite at hospital, the staff expected a sad and forlorn looking doggie this morning, instead she was wagging her tail and barking for attention! She has eaten for them all day and is looking happy, happy, happy! So, they told me to bring her home! She is not happy to be confined to her crate, but that's the way it is:(
Reba is wrapped in a series of towels that are taped to her so she can "drain" into them (yuck) and I am taking her back tomorrow for a bandage change. And apparently we will do the bandage change for a few days, well they will, I am frankly not up to the task!
Way to go, Reba! In the words of Dr. Maryanne, "You can't keep a good dog down."